So this morning we woke up to our first bit of snow. I decided to get out the kids snow clothes from last year to see what still fits them and what I need to go and buy. After trying everything on, the kids insisted they go and play in it. I figurged since they were already dressed, what the heck. They didn't last out there for very long, but they had a good time. I think it will take a few snow storms to get used to this cold weather change. I remembered why I am not a big fan of playing in the snow though, I hate all the wet clothes they come in with.

First snow angels of the season!!

This is only the beginning. I am sure there will be many more snowy days to come.
I had to laugh when I read this because your kids are all bundled up and we went out in shorts and tee's to play :) -I must be a really bad mom.